
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Unbelievable Art

 In Te Ngahere we  have been doing art.

We are learning to draw continuous lines, draw curves, rule straight lines, select colours for effect, and blend colours. The hard bit was to draw around and around the design because the lines would go off track. The easy bit was to do the patterns because you could use a ruler to do straight lines. The teacher gave us a paper to practice to do straight lines. After that you had to blend the colours together. At first I thought it was going to be hard but then it got easy to draw. Have you done a spiral with your teacher before?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Worst Movie Ever

 In Te Ngahere we  have been making movies. We were allowed to be in a group of 5 people or less. I was with Archie, Thea, Pharell, Tiana and Tahuri. Before we recorded our movie we wrote a script. When our script was checked by the teacher and turned green we had to record it. We used Te Awas ipad. We filmed all around the school. After we filmed our movie we edited it. Ithink on my next movie  I should make the story line a bit better. Have you made a movie before with your teacher?

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wonderful Modifications We Made To Our Rocket

In Te Ngahere we have been learning to modify our rockets. Our rocket went 62.1m. Something we changed on our rocket was by putting an extra fin on our rocket and adding a parachute. We got a sheet and we drew a circle on the sheet and cut it out. After that we put dots around the circle to put the string through the holes. After that we drew things on the parachute, we drew our names on the parachute. After that we put the parachute in the top of the lid and we sellotaped the strings on the middle of the rocket to make the parachute come out. The hard bit was to make the holes and put the string in, the easy thing was to draw on the parachute. Have you made a bottle rocket before with your classroom? Thank you for watching and reading my blog post!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Fun Pe Drills

 Fun  Pe Drills

In Te Ngahere we  have been learning how to do drills for Ki o’rahi.

The teacher put us into groups. I was with Rymon and Robert. We played on the field and the teacher put down 3 cones. Half of the team stood beside the first cone and the  rest  of the stood beside the team the 3rd cone. One person went  to the middle cone  and they passed the first and  last cone. The hard bit was to catch the ball and throw it back to the middle. we were practicing  for Ki o’rahi . Do you like doing PE with your teacher?

Teams to look out for - 2019 NZ Secondary School Ki o Rahi Nationals part 4  — kiorahi

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Turbo Touch

 In Te Ngahere we  learnt how to play turbo touch.  

The teacher put us in to groups I was with Chum, Shay and more people. We played on the field and Whaea Shanna was the coach. At turbo touch you could pass forwards  backwards and sidewards. How to play you were not allowed to kick you had to do two passes to try . You had to touch the person with the ball  with two hands and when they get touched 2 times its hand over ball and if you drop the ball its the other teams  ball  . At the start you were allowed to stand anywhere but not right by the person who has the ball . if the a boy goals  its 1 point but if a girl goals its  2 points. The hard bit is to not get touched. Have you played a game with your teacher before?